时间:2023-07-27 08:11:00 点击次数:6
到 Hugo Releases 下载对应的操作系统版本的Hugo二进制文件,解压到/usr/local/bin/这样就可以直接使用 hugo 命令了
这样就在 /path/to/site 目录里生成了初始站点,进入目录:
▸ archetypes/ ▸ content/ --存放markdown文件,文章内容 ▸ data/ ▸ layouts/ ▸ static/ --静态资源根目录(/),文章内的图片,附件等静态资源 ▸ themes/ --存放网站主题 config.toml --网站的核心配置文件下载主题,放到 themes 目录下,本站是使用了even主题
about.md 自动生成到了 content/about.md ,打开 about.md 看下:
--- date = "2015-10-25T08:36:54-07:00" --时间 draft = true --是否是草稿 title = "about" --标题 --- 正文内容内容是 Markdown 格式的,--- 之间的内容是YAML 格式的,根据你的喜好,你可以换成 TOML 格式(使用 +++ 标记)或者 JSON 格式.
可以在 archetypes/default.md 中定义默认模板,例如本站的默认模板内容是
--- title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date: {{ .Date }} draft: false tags: ["web"] categories: ["web"] author: "springrain" ---创建第一篇文章,放到 post 目录,其他文章页都尽量放到post目录,方便之后生成聚合页面.
hugo new post/first.mdserver方式运行,hugo就是web服务器了,负责响应http请求,解析markdown文件
#进入到站点目录 cd /data/hugo/jiagou.com #编译markdown文件为html,放到站点的public目录,本站是/data/hugo/jiagou.com/public hugo安装nginx
### HTTPS server ### server { ### 代替 ssl on### listen 443 ssl; server_name www.jiagou.com; ### SSL 设置 开始 #### ### 1.15版本之后,使用 listen 443 ssl 代替### ###ssl on; ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/ssl/www.jiagou.com/4468359_www.jiagou.com.pem; ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/ssl/www.jiagou.com/4468359_www.jiagou.com.key; ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4; #使用此加密套件. ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; #使用该协议进行配置. ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; location / { root /data/hugo/jiagou.com/public; index index.html index.htm; } }本站 config.yoml中的主要配置
baseURL = "" languageCode = "zh-cn" defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn" # en / zh-cn / ... (This field determines which i18n file to use) title = "架构" preserveTaxonomyNames = true enableRobotsTXT = true enableEmoji = true theme = "even" enableGitInfo = false # use git commit log to generate lastmod record # 可根据 Git 中的提交生成最近更新记录. # Syntax highlighting by Chroma. NOTE: Dont enable `highlightInClient` and `chroma` at the same time! pygmentsOptions = "linenos=table" pygmentsCodefences = true pygmentsUseClasses = true pygmentsCodefencesGuessSyntax = true hasCJKLanguage = true # has chinese/japanese/korean ? # 自动检测是否包含 中文\日文\韩文 paginate = 10 # 首页每页显示的文章数 disqusShortname = "" # disqus_shortname googleAnalytics = "" # UA-XXXXXXXX-X copyright = "jiagou.com 版权所有 <a href=https://beian.miit.gov.cn target=_blank>豫ICP备2020026846号-1</a> <a href=http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/registerSystemInfo?recordcode=41010302002680 target=_blank><img src=/gongan.png>豫公网安备41010302002680号</a>" # default: author.name ↓ # 默认为下面配置的author.name ↓ [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" #web ="web" [author] # essential # 必需 name = "jiagou.com" [sitemap] # essential # 必需 changefreq = "weekly" priority = 0.5 filename = "sitemap.xml" [[menu.main]] # config your menu # 配置目录 name = "Home" weight = 10 identifier = "home" url = "/" [[menu.main]] name = "CloudNative" weight = 20 identifier = "cloudnative" url = "/categories/cloudnative/" [[menu.main]] name = "BigData" weight = 30 identifier = "bigdata" url = "/categories/bigdata/" [[menu.main]] name = "Web" weight = 40 identifier = "web" url = "/categories/web/"我主要是修改了even主题的底部文件模板footer.html
路径是 themes/even/layouts/partials/footer.html本站about.md的完整内容如下:
--- title: "About" date: 2017-08-20T21:38:52+08:00 lastmod: 2017-08-28T21:41:52+08:00 menu: "main" weight: 50 --- 本站使用1核CPU,512M内存,20G硬盘的阿里云服务器. 使用hugo和even模板,编译成静态文件,Nginx作为WEB服务器. 我所见识过的一切都将消失一空,就如眼泪消逝在雨中...... 不妨大胆一些,大胆一些...... 小项目: * [springrain](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/springrain) * [javadoc4openapi-maven-plugin](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/javadoc4openapi-maven-plugin) * [zorm](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/zorm) * [gowe](https://gitee.com/chunanyong/gowe)头条代码样式不太好,影响阅读体验,请访问原文链接或者点击 [了解更多]