时间:2023-08-01 13:18:43 点击次数:12
2020年疫情影响,导致外贸订单延期的情况应该不在少数。延期的原因有来自企业生产方面,也有来自物流方面。除了以上两个因素,接下来还有一个我们不能忽略的因素,那就是中国新年假期(CNY holiday)。
1:生 产 / 物 流 紧 张 延 期
20年的外贸,很多行业出现了爆单,导致工厂生产能力严重不足,无法按时交货。加上物流不能及时拿到仓位和空柜,让生产好的订单不得不延迟。有的客户,订单合同有延期罚款这一条。如果延期,我们不能好好与客人解释,会容易导致客户继续坚持罚款这条,让企业蒙受损失。老老实实说生产完成不了,罚款铁定会继续。 以下为我发给客人的延期解释,供大家参考:(英文水平有限,但意思能让客人明白)
Dear SamSo sorry for the delay.Below is the shipping space schedule we can get.Our production line have to finish the orders according to the shipping schedule because our warehouse is not large enough to put too much orders.Hope to get your kindly understanding.
Dear Sam
So sorry for the delay.
Usully we arrange one batch of production for several orders with almost same requested shipment time.As you know the shipping space is difficult for us to get in time .Even we book the shipping with your alternative liners we cannot get the shipping space in time.On the other hand the production is in peak season at the end of the year. All orders in our company are meeting the same problem these months.If we produce the orders ready to wait for the shipping space ,the warehouse will be not enough for us at all.We have to finish the orders according to most of the orders confirmed shipping schedule.Such as PO#1234 (requested Latest Shipment Date Dec.5th) we arranged the production for it together with all other orders with LSD Dec.5th. But the earliest confirmed shipping space is Dec.29th in this batch.So we finish the production for this batch since Dec.25th to catch all shipping schedule.Hope to get your kindly understanding.Any question please contact us freely.regards /Cherry
2:跨 年 新 订 单 延 期 申 请
Dear JackNoted with thanks for your new order confirmation.We checked that the first shipment date Feb.25th will be limited for us because of CNY holiday from Feb.5th to Feb.22ndThe factory usually start work at least end of Feb. And all the workers will come back to work around March 10th.On the other hand it is the first shipment for new items we need more time to manage any possible problem in mass producton line.If possible please kindly start the first shipment at the end of March for these new orders.Hope to get your kindly understanding
3:运 费 变 化 产 生 的 延 期
Dear SallyRegret that due to the port congestion under virus in Europe and US, and limited shipping space for limited vessels from China,we are afraid that the order has to be delayed because the freight charge has been changed too much for us to burden.If possible please kindly delay the shipment a little late if you dont need this order so urgently.When the freight charge goes normally we will arrange shipment asap.Surely your cargo will be well stocked in our warehouse before shipment.So sorry for any trouble caused from the delay.Thanks for your kindly understanding and support advance.
写 邮 件 的 诀 窍
延期,对于客人来讲,并不是什么好事。所以我们在申请或解释时,态度还是需要拿出来,先说“sorry”。但不管任何邮件,我们在与客户沟通时,首先要明确自己的目的是什么,接下来,邮件的内容,都应围绕这个主题展开,整体需要做到有理、有据、不卑不亢。如果我们希望将一件事情说服客人,建议少用主观想法“We(I) think.."而多用”according to the experience/under the situation..."等等。邮件发出去之前,建议自己先读一遍,站在客户的角度,看看邮件内容是否能说服自己。如果连自己都说服不了,说明这封邮件发过去可能是无效,或者效果会大打折扣。需要再做修改,找出有力的依据,直到能说服自己了,才发出去。总之,业务无小事,需要精益求精,认真对待!