时间:2023-05-14 17:01:04 点击次数:13
1. 自己品牌名称---- A
( 授权之 品牌名称 或是 已注册之品牌名称 )
2. 对方(卖家) 品牌名称---- B
( 您要投诉之 对象名称 或是 品牌名称 )
Dear “ B ”,
It has come to our attention that “ B ” is using the " A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " A ".
" A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “ B ” listings violate " A " trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.
Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on Amazon.com in which “ B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.
“ B ” currently has at least one listing on Amazon.com for products that utilize“ A’s” trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN: B001234567 (写自己的 ASIN)
" A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on Amazon.com. Your listing constitutes a violation of " As " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.
“ B ” s infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " A " brand and lost sales.
While " A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:
(1) Removed all of " A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your Amazon.com listings and any other website or public display you operate;
(2) Removed all of " A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " A’s ", including but not limited to the ASINs listed above
Failure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to Amazon.com as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on Amazon.com.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Legal on behalf of " A "
We reviewed your account and determined that you may no longer sell on Amazon. com. Your listings have been removed from our site.This decision was partly made due to our inabilit to
Verify information provided for or related to your seller account. This information inchudes but is not lmited to selling history and listing.
Please ship any open orders. If you have any funds in your account, they will be available after any amounts paid for A-to-z claims or chargebacks on your orders have been deducted. This usually takes about 90 days, but funds may be held longer. You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to payments-funds@amazon.com.
If you believe this decision was made in error and would like to appeal this decision,click the Appeal button next to this messageon the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central(http://sellercentral amazon .com/gp/customer -experience/perf-notifications.html)
Seller Performance Team
We are receiving your account, Funds will not be transferred to you during the review but will stay in your account.
You can view your account balance, estimated payment schedule and reserved amount
On the Payments page in the Reports section of seller centarl (http://sellercentral amazon .com/gp/paymentsaccount/settlement.summary.html)
Please continue to ship your orders and only list items that you can ship by the expected ship date.
You can help by sending us more information about your business. when you are ready send us your plan, please submit your plan of action by following this link(http://sellercentral.amazoncom/cu/contact-us).
To leam more about account reviews, search for Velocity Limits and Account Reviews in Seller Central Help.
We will send you an email when our review is complete.
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazons and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and descriptions are accurately match with our products.
2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers moreinformed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours
3. In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality.
Dear Seller Performance Team,
Thank you for your notification on the policy violation on the......, we would like to sincerely apologize for the terrible mistake we made.
We are a small company in China focusing on foreign trade and selling on Amazon US has been one of our ultimate dreams.
We did a lot of preparation in order to launch our store in Amazon and worked with the Amazon sales manager Mr. .... on a lot of details including the can dos and cants. He informed us beforehand that image and character violation is a very serious issue in Amazon and we have taken that very very seriously.
However, one of our sales staff ,who is new to the company,(我们有位职员是新来的)accidentally put this product onto the list because we would like to start our sales with 50 skus ( We had 49 skus ready at that time.) He uploaded the product without everyones elses knowledge and I would in person would like to apologize again for my carelessness in staff management.
Here are the things our company has done to prevent such issue from happening again.
1. We just organized a training again on the cans and cant the sales manager Henry sent us,especially emphasizing on the policy violation including image violation of products and wording violation on product and checked all the product that we have already listed.
2. We deleted all the products that we think that could potentially violate the policies.
3. We have setup rules in the company that all of our inventory must be carefully reviewed and would not violate any Amazon policies before adding to our inventory and listing on Amazon.
I would like to apologize for a third time for my carelessness in management ,and please do let us know what else can we do to reinstate our account and we will do everything we can to meet the target.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
your name
Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,
We understand that recently our performance as a seller on Amazon.com has fallen below both Amazons and our own standards of quality.
I believe it is mainly because of our inadequate communication(沟通不足) that we have recently seen two A-z guarantee claims which have resulted in our ODR exceeding the performance target of
Unfortunately, we changed the Listings Status to be Inactive from 23/01/2014 to 06/02/2014 because of a long vacation, obviously,the two complaints are nightmare during the period without order.
Plan of Action: We are taking the following steps to improve our performance:
1. Review all of products to make sure that the pictures and deions are accurately match with our products.
2. Most importantly, we will complete the investigation more quickly and proactively(within12 hours) to any problems with customer orders to keep our customers more informed and help prevent A-z guarantee claims as much as possible, then replacement or a full refund will be done within 24 hours,
3. In addition, we will more aggressively monitor our performance metrics to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service.
进度一 · 进度二
How are you recently? Hope you and your family are good.
We found your review for (产品).We are really sorry for the inconvenience it caused
To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:
1. We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free
2. We will provide a claim code for you.
3. Or refund all
Which one do you prefer?
Looking forward to your reply soon.
Best regards,
Hope you have a great time.
I am writing to concern whether you have receive the replacement.
If you still have any question with your order, please contact with us.
We would try our best to solve it.
If you are satisfied with our services, could you do me a big favor to upgrade the r eivew?
The following link:————————————————————————————
It is really important for me.
We will really appreciate for it.
Thanks so much for your great support on 店铺名.
So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit(产品名) did not fit you.
Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?
Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step.
Waiting for your reply.
Best Regards
Dear ---
Thank you so much for your great support on us.
So sorry for the inconvenience it caused.
Could I know the reason why you return the item?
Are there any issues of our product?
If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.
Waiting for your reply.
Best regards
Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.
We found your return request. Could I know the reason why you want to refund?
Are there any issues of our product?
If yes, could you sent the photo of the issues thus we can help you better and submit to QC.
Will it be possible to give new one as a compensation?
Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this?
Looking forward to your reply soon.
Best regards
Dear ___,
Thanks for contact with us.
Sorry to tell you that the item have been dispatched, and we cant change it for you now .
We knew you receive it and it is not suitable for you.
To express our apologize, we provide few suggestion following by:
1. We will arrange a suitable replacement for you for free
2. We can refund full price for you.
Which one do you prefer?
Sorry for all inconvenience it led to.
Looking forward to your reply.
Dear ___,
Thanks for your message. Hope you are great.
Sorry for disturbing you, we tracked your shipping. The package is now on the way to your place(it is now reaching your local post office).
International shipping information may not update so prompt, usually it takes around 7-15 days for shipping. Could you please keep your patience and wait for a few more days? We will keep tracking for you, any news we will inform you asap.
Your understanding will be highly appreciated.
Best regards
客户询问货物的tracking number的回信
Dear ___,
Thank you so much for your great support on us.
Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you.
Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest.
Best regards
Dear ___,
Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting.
We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said.
We will contact the post office to find out the problem.
We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap.
If not, we will make you the full refund.
Waiting for your reply.
Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding.
Best regards
客户询问货物的tracking number的回信
Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.
Orders are shipped within two days after they are placed. Usually, we are able to ship orders the next day. Weekend orders are shipped on the following Monday. Please allow 3-7 business days after shipment for delivery. You will receive a shipping confirmation email from Amazon when the shipping information has been uploaded.
Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.
Best regards
Thanks for your kindly support for 店铺名.
To express our grateful, we want to invite you join in our “VIP team(自己取名)”
Our VIP team member(自己取名)can experience our new product in advance and enjoy discount .
Just contact us with order ID by contacting our email on attachment.(把邮箱放在附件上)
We are waiting for your email.
Have a good time.
Best regards,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.
We are really grateful with your question Thus we can realize our shortage of product listing.
We will update our listing to perfect our product information.(来源:跨境之都)