时间:2023-07-08 16:45:31 点击次数:11
深圳卫视记者:美国国务卿布林肯在对华政策演讲中称,美国同中国共产党和中国政府间存在深刻分歧,但这些分歧只存在于美中两国政府和体制之间,而不是人民之间。中方对此有何评论?Shenzhen TV: US Secretary of State Blinken said in his China policy speech that “We have profound differences with the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Government. But those differences are between governments and systems – not between our people”. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:布林肯国务卿有关表态妄图挑拨中国共产党和中国人民的血肉联系,中方对此表示坚决反对。中国人民对美国打压遏制中国发展、阻挠中华民族复兴的险恶用心看得非常清楚,这种挑拨离间的伎俩根本不会得逞。
Zhao Lijian: Secretary Blinken’s remarks are part of an attempt to sever the strong bond between the CPC and the Chinese people. China firmly rejects that. The Chinese people are fully aware of the ill intention of the US to suppress and contain China’s development and hinder the Chinese nation’s rejuvenation. Moves like this that are designed to sow discord will not succeed.
Any US politician who knows the basic facts about China knows that our Party is founded for the people and nurtured by the people. The leadership of the CPC is the choice of history and of the people, and is endorsed in China’s Constitution. China’s development would not be possible without the leadership of the CPC. Under its leadership, the Chinese people have, through arduous struggle and hard work, established the People’s Republic of China and freed themselves from bullying, oppression and subjugation. Under the leadership of the CPC, China has created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability. It has also lifted over 800 million people out of poverty and led 1.4 billion people to modernization. Over the course of just several decades, China has completed a journey that took Western developed countries several hundred years. The CPC has grown into the largest governing party in the world. Its membership has expanded to over 95 million from just over 50 when it was founded. What is the secret code of the CPC’s long governance success? It puts people first and believes that “The country is the people and the people are the country”.
I’d like to share with you two figures, both released by US institutes. A Harvard University survey among the Chinese people spanning over a decade found that more than 90 percent of respondents are satisfied with the Party and their government. Last year, as many as 91 percent of Chinese interviewed by Edelman, a top global public relations consultancy firm, said they trust their government, the highest recorded over a decade and all over the world for years running. The US politicians say they respect the Chinese people. Then please respect the history and facts, respect the development path and political system chosen by the Chinese people and respect the CPC that represents the fundamental interests of the Chinese people.
What the world needs urgently is efforts to jointly protect the lives and health of humanity, promote world economic recovery and uphold global peace and tranquility, not moves to manipulate people into accepting the fallacy of “democracy vs. authoritarianism” or exaggerate differences in political system between countries, still less divide the world by drawing ideological lines. We hope the US will stop making these meaningless attempts and focus its energy and time on keeping its own house in order. The US should seek to play a constructive role in world peace and development.
新华社记者:据报道,一份决议草案显示,美国、法国、英国和德国正在推动国际原子能机构理事会就伊朗未能解释长期以来有关未申报地点发现铀痕迹的问题予以谴责。报道称,此举可能会激怒伊朗,进而可能影响挽救2015年伊核协议的前景。中方对此有何评论?Xinhua News Agency: According to reports, the US, UK, France and Germany are pushing for the IAEA Board of Governors in a draft resolution to rebuke Iran for failing to answer longstanding questions on uranium traces at undeclared sites. The move is likely to anger Iran and that in turn could damage prospects for rescuing the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. What is China’s comment?赵立坚:我注意到有关报道。中方反对有关国家推动国际原子能机构理事会通过决议对伊朗施压。事实一再证明,施压不仅无助于解决问题,反而会激化矛盾,导致局势升级。当前,全面协议恢复履约谈判正处于最后关头。在机构理事会采取对抗性做法,只会损害伊朗与机构的合作,破坏伊核谈判进程。Zhao Lijian: I have noted relevant reports. China opposes relevant countries’ pushing the IAEA Board of Governors to pressure Iran through adopting a resolution. Facts have proven time and again that pressuring does not help solve problems. It only increases tension and escalates the situation. The talks on resuming compliance with the JCPOA are currently at a crucial juncture toward conclusion. Being confrontational at the IAEA Board of Governors will only undermine the agency’s cooperation with Iran and disrupt the negotiation process.中方认为,当务之急是推动伊核谈判顺利收官,实现全面协议重返正轨。一旦全面协议恢复履约,机构对伊保障监督相关问题也就会将迎刃而解。美方应该尽快作出政治决断,积极回应伊方合理诉求,争取早日就未决问题达成一致。有关各方均应为此创造必要的条件和良好的氛围。We believe that the pressing task at the moment is to facilitate a successful conclusion of the negotiations and bring the JCPOA back to the right track. Once the implementation resumes, it will be much easier to find the solutions needed for resolving the issues related to the IAEA’s safeguards in Iran. Now is the time for the US to make key political decisions, actively respond to Iran’s legitimate concerns and work toward an early consensus on outstanding issues. All relevant parties need to create the necessary conditions and a favorable environment for this.3
澎湃新闻记者:美国国务卿布林肯参加《外交事务》杂志百年纪念活动时称,中国对于“基于规则的国际秩序”构成最严峻长期挑战。美中双方最显著的区别在于,美方寻求构建的秩序虽不完美但是自由的,而中方寻求构建的秩序是不自由的。中方对此有何评论?The Paper: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at the centennial celebration for the Foreign Affairs magazine that China poses “the most serious long-term challenge to the rules-based order”. He noted the profound difference between the US and China is this: “The order that we’ve sought to build very imperfectly, but that we’ve sought to build, is profoundly liberal in nature. The order that China seeks is illiberal.” What is China’s comment?赵立坚:本周早些时候,我们已经就美方声称的所谓“基于规则的国际秩序”阐明了立场。
Zhao Lijian: Earlier this week, we already made China’s position very clear on the US’ so-called “rules-based international order".
Blinken claimed that they’ve sought to build an imperfect but liberal order. What does an “imperfect” but “liberal” order mean exactly? Does it mean the US can do whatever it wants, while other countries must always follow the US’ orders and fall into line with the US? Does it mean the US can arbitrarily attack other sovereign countries militarily, while other countries can only watch and say nothing? Does it mean the US can wantonly impose illegal, unilateral sanctions on other sovereign countries, while other countries must comply? Or does it mean the US can unscrupulously attack and smear other countries and deprive other countries of their sovereign rights, security and right to development, while the only thing other countries are left to do is to sit on their hands with their mouths shut? This is not liberal; this is no order; this is hegemony, highhandedness and bullying; and this is an attempt of the US and a small number of other countries to make rules that suit themselves.
I do not think people of the world would want the kind of “imperfect” but “liberal” order peddled by the US. What they want is an equal and shared right to security, development and prosperity for all. It is high time that the US reflected on itself and took real responsibilities for world peace and development.
The US and China are indeed different in some ways. China has always been committed to upholding the international order underpinned by the UN Charter and international law. We are a force for world peace, for global development and for defending the international order. What China upholds is true multilateralism, and universally recognized international rules and order that have the support of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, who have observed and benefited from the rules and order.
4法新社记者:美国和台湾昨日启动了旨在深化贸易关系的会谈。请问中方对此有何评论?AFP: The US and Taiwan launched talks aimed at deepening trade relations yesterday. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:中方一贯坚决反对建交国与台湾进行任何形式的官方往来,包括商签具有主权意涵和官方性质的协定。近期美方在台湾问题上动作频频,伎俩不断,实质上都是违反一个中国原则,为“台独”分裂势力撑腰打气,搅乱台海和平稳定。
Zhao Lijian: China firmly opposes all forms of official interaction with the Taiwan region by countries having diplomatic ties with China, including negotiating or concluding agreements with implications of sovereignty and of official nature. Lately the US has made frequent moves and kept devising schemes on Taiwan. They are nothing but attempts to breach the one-China principle, bolster “Taiwan independence” separatists and disrupt peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.
There is but one China in the world. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. This is a consensus of the international community and a solemn commitment made by the US in the three China-US joint communiqués. If the US insists on playing the Taiwan card, it will only lead China-US relations to a dangerous situation. The US must abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three China-US joint communiqués, stop all forms of official interaction with Taiwan, stop negotiating agreements with implications of sovereignty and of official nature, and refrain from sending any wrong signal to the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces. We would also like to make it clear to the DPP authorities that they need to give up at once on the idea that they could seek independence with US support, because the more ambitious they are, the bitterer their failure will be.
彭博社记者:周三,拜登政府表示将准备禁止企业进口产自新疆的商品,除非企业可以明确证明进口商品不涉及强迫劳动。外交部对此有何评论?Bloomberg: The Biden administration signaled on Wednesday that they are prepared to take a tough stance enforcing a ban on imported goods from Xinjiang. That’s unless companies provide clear evidence that the goods are free of forced labor. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on this latest signaling from the Biden administration on forced labor?赵立坚:我们已经多次驳斥美方关于新疆存在“强迫劳动”的谎言。所谓“维吾尔强迫劳动预防法”罔顾事实,恶意诋毁中国新疆人权状况,粗暴干涉中国内政,严重违反国际法和国际关系基本准则,违背市场规则和商业道德,中方对此坚决反对。上述法律如果得到实施,将严重干扰中美企业间正常合作,破坏全球供应链稳定,最终也将损害美方自身利益。我们敦促美方不得将该法付诸实施,停止利用涉疆问题干涉中国内政、遏制中国发展。如美方执意而为,中方将采取有力措施,维护自身利益和尊严。Zhao Lijian: We have rebuked US lies on "forced labor" in Xinjiang many times. The so-called Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, in disregard of facts, maliciously smears the human rights conditions in China’s Xinjiang, grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, gravely violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, and violates market rules and commercial ethics. China expresses its firm opposition. If implemented, the Act will seriously disrupt normal cooperation between Chinese and American businesses, undermine the stability of global supply chains, and eventually hurt the US own interests. We urge the US to refrain from enforcing the Act, stop using Xinjiang-related issues to interfere in China’s internal affairs and contain China’s development. If the US is bent on doing so, China will take forceful measures to firmly defend its own interests and dignity.6
总台央广记者:近日,刚果(金)东部地区武装冲突持续升级,反政府武装M23制造系列针对平民和联合国维和人员的袭击事件,造成人员伤亡和地区安全形势恶化。刚果(金)和卢旺达政府就此相互指责,两国矛盾进一步激化。请问中方对此有何评论?CNR: The armed conflicts in eastern DRC have continued to escalate recently. The anti-government armed group M23 has launched attacks targeting civilians and UN peacekeepers, causing casualties and leading to deteriorating security situation in the region. The governments of the DRC and Rwanda have pointed fingers at each other, adding to bilateral tensions. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:中方高度关注刚果(金)东部形势,对当地安全局势恶化表示担忧。我们坚决反对和谴责任何针对平民和联合国维和人员的武装袭击。中方呼吁有关各方保持克制,通过和平协商解决争端,尽快恢复地区稳定。中方赞赏所有致力于促进刚东地区和平与发展的努力,愿同国际社会一道为解决刚果(金)东部问题发挥建设性作用。
Zhao Lijian: China is closely following the situation in eastern DRC. We are concerned over the deteriorating local security conditions. We firmly oppose and condemn armed attacks on civilians and UN peacekeeping personnel. China calls on relevant sides to exercise restraint and resolve disputes through peaceful consultation so as to restore stability at an early date. We appreciate all efforts towards promoting peace and development in eastern DRC and stand ready to work with the international community to play a constructive role in resolving the issue there.
《中国日报》记者:5月23日至26日,金砖国家工业部长会议、文化部长会议、航天联委会第一次会议、教育部长会议等先后成功举办,并分别发布相关成果文件。中方能否介绍有关情况?China Daily: From May 23 to 26, a series of meetings have been successfully held, including the BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting, the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Culture, the first meeting of the BRICS Joint Committee on Space Cooperation and the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education. Some outcome documents have also been released. Could you offer more details?赵立坚:谢谢你对有关会议的关注。日前,金砖国家工业部长会议、文化部长会议、航天联委会第一次会议、教育部长会议等先后成功举办,金砖五国部长级官员围绕工业、文化、航天、教育等领域合作深入交换意见,达成广泛共识,并发布多份成果文件。其中,工业部长会议通过《第六届金砖国家工业部长会议联合宣言》,同意促进产业数字化转型、强化产业链供应链合作等。文化部长会议通过了《落实<金砖国家政府间文化合作协定>行动计划(2022-2026年)》,同意继续在文化领域坚持包容互鉴,深化务实合作,为人类文明进步贡献“金砖力量”。航天联委会会议通过《金砖国家航天合作联委会职权文件》等,同意提升金砖国家遥感卫星星座能力,齐心协力发挥好星座数据效能,助力经济社会可持续发展。教育部长会议重申实现2030年可持续发展教育目标的共同承诺,明确金砖国家教育领域下一阶段合作的重点和方向。Zhao Lijian: Thank you for your interest in the meetings. Recently, the BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting, the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Culture, the first meeting of the BRICS Joint Committee on Space Cooperation and the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education have been successfully held. Officials at ministerial level from BRICS countries have conducted in-depth exchanges of views on cooperation in such areas as industry, culture, space and education. They reached broad consensus and released multiple outcome documents. To be specific, the 6th BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting adopted the Joint Declaration of the 6th BRICS Industry Ministers Meeting, agreeing to promote the digital transformation of traditional industries and beefing up cooperation in industrial chains and supply chains. The Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Culture adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the BRICS States on Cooperation in the Field of Culture (2022-2026), and all parties agreed to uphold inclusiveness and mutual learning and deepen practical cooperation in the field of culture and contribute “BRICS strength” to the progress of human civilization. The meeting of the BRICS Joint Committee on Space Cooperation adopted documents on the joint committee’s terms of reference, agreeing to improve the BRICS countries’ capability for remote sensing satellite constellation, jointly enhance the efficacy of the data and better serve the sustainable socioeconomic development of the BRICS countries. The Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education reaffirmed the joint commitment to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals on education and specified the priority and direction for the BRICS countries’ cooperation in education going forward. 中国作为今年金砖国家主席国,将主办金砖国家领导人第十四次会晤等系列活动。在各方积极支持下,迄已成功举办60多场会议和活动,获得各方高度评价,为深化金砖各领域务实合作作出积极贡献,也为领导人会晤积累了丰硕成果。As the BRICS chair this year, China will host the 14th BRICS Summit and other events. With the active support of all parties, more than 60 meetings and events have been successfully held. This has been highly praised by all parties, and contributed positively to deepening practical cooperation across the board and yielded fruitful results for BRICS leaders’ meetings.接下来,金砖框架下还将举行一系列会议和活动,欢迎大家继续关注和支持,具体信息将通过金砖国家领导人第十四次会晤的官方网站等渠道及时发布。Going forward, a series of meetings and events will be held under the BRICS framework. You are welcome to continuously follow and support them. Specific information will be released in a timely manner through the official website of the 14th BRICS Summit and other channels.8
凤凰卫视记者:美国防长奥斯汀即将访问亚洲。行前他接受日本媒体采访称,美国关切乌克兰危机,但重心仍然放在维护印太地区自由稳定与安全。他还称,美国将扩大供应台湾武器装备,协助训练军力。中方有何回应?Phoenix TV: US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in an interview with Japanese media before his upcoming trip to Asia that the US’ concern over the Ukraine crisis “won’t distract us from facing the challenges to a free, stable and secure Indo-Pacific region”. He also indicated that Washington is willing to expand arms aid and military training for Taiwan. Does China have any response?赵立坚:中方一向坚决反对美方向中国台湾地区出售武器,这严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,严重干涉中国内政。美方应该做的是恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,停止售台武器和美台军事联系。
Zhao Lijian: We have always firmly opposed US arms sales to China’s Taiwan region, which gravely infringes on China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and interferes in China’s domestic affairs. The US should abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three China-US joint communiqués and stop arms sales to and military contact with Taiwan.
If the US truly wants “a free, stable and secure Indo-Pacific region”, then it should stop the erroneous practice of ganging up and stoking political antagonism and military confrontation in the region, and play a constructive role in enhancing mutual trust and cooperation among regional countries.
In observance of the Dragon Boat Festival, the MFA regular press conference will be adjourned on June 3 (Friday), and resumed on June 6 (Monday). During the recess, you can reach the Spokesperson’s Office by fax, email or WeChat.
On Dragon Boat Festivals, we Chinese people eat Zongzi (sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves) and race dragon boats. We also hang calamus and mugwort on doors to deter insects, drive away evil spirits and diseases, and bring good health. In a sense, the Dragon Boat Festival is the oldest health and epidemic awareness day in China. Tomorrow will be this special day. I hope the festival will bring you happiness and auspiciousness. Have a good Dragon Boat Festival!