时间:2023-07-08 16:53:53 点击次数:9
总台央视记者:据报道,6日,斯里兰卡总统戈塔巴雅接受采访时表示,斯无法利用中国15亿美元的信贷额度,中方也未答复斯10亿美元的贷款申请。戈并表示,中方似乎正在将战略重心转向东南亚和非洲,对南亚国家的关注度有所减弱。中方对此有何评论?CCTV: According to reports, Sri Lankan President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said in an interview on June 6 that Sri Lanka couldn’t tap a $1.5 billion credit line from China and has yet to hear back on the request to China for a $1 billion loan. He also said that China seems to have shifted its strategic focus to Southeast Asia and Africa, and has less interest in South Asia. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:作为传统友好邻邦,中方始终密切关注斯里兰卡当前面临的困难和挑战,对此感同身受,也一直在力所能及范围内为斯里兰卡经济社会发展提供帮助。过去一段时间以来,中方宣布向斯里兰卡提供5亿元人民币的紧急人道主义援助,首批药品已运抵斯里兰卡,首批大米也已启运。中方还通过政府、地方、友好组织等多种渠道,向斯社会各界提供多批次、多元化、惠民生的救助。
Zhao Lijian: As traditional friendly neighbors, China pays close attention to and feels for the difficulties and challenges facing Sri Lanka. We have all along provided support to Sri Lanka’s socioeconomic development as long as our ability permits. China has announced that it would provide emergency humanitarian assistance worth 500 million RMB for Sri Lanka. The first delivery of medicine has arrived in Sri Lanka, and the first shipment of rice has left China for Sri Lanka. Through government-to-government and subnational channels and through friendly organizations, China has provided multiple batches of assistance in diverse forms to people across the sectors of Sri Lanka to improve their livelihood.
As to China-Sri Lanka financial cooperation, shortly after the Sri Lankan government announced to suspend international debt payments, Chinese financial institutions reached out to the Sri Lankan side and expressed their readiness to find a proper way to handle the matured debts related to China and help Sri Lanka to overcome the current difficulties. We hope Sri Lanka will work actively with China in a similar spirit and work out a feasible solution expeditiously. China is ready to work with relevant countries and international financial institutions to continue to play a positive role in supporting Sri Lanka’s response to current difficulties and efforts to ease debt burden and realize sustainable development. In the meantime, we believe Sri Lanka will boost its own effort, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the investment and financing partners and ensure the stability and credibility of Sri Lanka’s investment and financing environment.
South Asian countries, along with the other countries in our neighboring areas, are China’s priority in its diplomacy. China attaches great importance to forging closer good neighborly relations with its neighbors and has worked hard to this end. China and South Asian countries are each other’s friendly neighbors and development partners. Together we belong to one community with a shared future. From natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, to global challenges like financial crises and COVID-19, history has shown that China has always stood in solidarity with South Asian countries through difficult times. Under the current circumstances, China will work with relevant countries to respond to risks and challenges and pursue high-quality Belt and Road cooperation to jointly sustain the sound momentum of security, stability, cooperation and development in our region and bring great benefits for all peoples in this region.
总台央视记者:据报道,此前,由美国政府组建、隶属国土安全部的“虚假信息委员会”成立仅21天,便因遭到强烈质疑被迫停止工作。委员会首任负责人也被迫辞职。请问中方对此有何评论?CCTV: According to reports, the Disinformation Governance Board under the US Department of Homeland Security was halted just 21 days after it was set up after raising serious questions. The first head of the office also had to resign. Do you have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: The US government itself is the primary spreader of disinformation. German writer Michael Lüders pointed out in his book Die scheinheilige Supermacht (The Hypocritical Superpower) that the US government is very adept at selecting and distorting facts, limiting the source of information and polarizing public opinions in order to blur the facts and influence people’s judgment. When the waters are muddied, it is certainly easier to fish for geopolitical and economic gains.
US politicians might get away with irresponsible statements, but it is the ordinary people who could pay the ultimate price for disinformation. The US used a vial of white powder as so-called evidence of possession of weapons of mass destruction and waged war on Iraq, which killed about 200,000 to 250,000 Iraqi civilians. Citing a staged video by the “White Helmet” and the false intelligence it provided as “evidence”, the US launched the so-called “most precise air campaign in history” against Syria, claiming more than 1,600 innocent civilian lives in a single strike.
You may still remember that the US downplayed the threat and speed of coronavirus’ transmission at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and kept spreading disinformation about the origins of the virus. Disinformation about COVID-19 was rated by a certain US website as “2020 Lie of the Year”. As a result, more than one million innocent American lives have been lost to the virus, making the US the country with the highest COVID-19 death toll as well as the most confirmed cases.
The more lies the US government tells, the greater the reputational damage and its credibility deficit. According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, only about 39 percent of American respondents said they trusted their country’s government, which is near the lowest level ever recorded. The US needs to stop fabricating and disseminating false information, and stop taking pride in being “an empire of lies”.
半岛电视台记者:联合国人权理事会国际调查委员会今天发布了一份18页的报告称,以色列对巴勒斯坦领土的占领是对巴勒斯坦人的歧视,是该地区反复出现紧张局势并导致冲突的根源,并称以色列无意结束对巴勒斯坦领土的占领。中方对此有何评论?Al Jazeera: An international commission of inquiry set up by the UN Human Rights Council released an 18-page report today, saying that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory and discrimination against Palestinians are the root causes of recurrent tensions and protraction of conflict in the region. It also says that “Israel has no intention of ending the occupation”. What is China’s comment?赵立坚:巴勒斯坦和以色列冲突反复上演,巴勒斯坦被占领土局势持续紧张,根本原因在于巴勒斯坦人民受到的历史不公迟迟得不到妥善解决,巴勒斯坦人民独立建国的合理诉求长期无法实现。国际社会应增强紧迫感,积极推动落实巴以在“两国方案”基础上尽快重启和谈,推动早日实现巴勒斯坦问题的全面、公正、持久解决。
Zhao Lijian: The underlying reason for the recurring conflicts between Israel and Palestine and ongoing tensions over the occupied Palestinian territory is that the historical injustices done to the Palestinian people have been left unaddressed for too long and that the Palestinian people’s legitimate aspiration of establishing an independent state has long been denied. The international community needs to work more actively with a greater sense of urgency for an early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel on the basis of the two-state solution, so as to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of Palestine at an early date.
4塔斯社记者:据报道,王毅国务委员兼外长访问中亚期间,中国和区域国家签署了一些合作协议。请问这次访问是否意味中国与中亚国家之间的合作进入新的历史阶段?还有另外一个问题,据报道,美国常务副国务卿舍曼7日称,如果朝鲜进行核试验,美国、韩国和世界将作出有力而明确的反应。外交部对此有何评论?TASS: According to reports, during State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to Central Asia, a series of cooperation agreements have been signed between China and the regional countries. Does this mean cooperation between China and the Central Asian countries has entered a new historic stage? Also, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman reportedly said on June 7 that there would be a strong and clear response from the US, the ROK and the world if the DPRK were to conduct a nuclear test. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:关于第一个问题,有关王毅国务委员兼外长出访的情况,我们前方代表团正陆续发布有关消息。你可以保持关注。
Zhao Lijian: On your first question, our delegation will release information on State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang’s visit in due course. You may stay tuned.
The five Central Asian countries are China’s friendly neighbors and strategic partners. For 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China and the Central Asian countries have been deepening mutually beneficial cooperation following the principle of mutual respect, good neighborliness, solidarity and mutual benefits. At the third China+Central Asia (C+C5) foreign ministers’ meeting, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will, along with other parties, comprehensively implement the outcomes of the Virtual Summit Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the Five Central Asian Countries, and further deepen good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the Central Asian countries for common development, common prosperity and a China-Central Asia community with a shared future.
On your second question, China always believes that, to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and achieve denuclearization on the Peninsula is in the shared interest of all parties and the international community. We hope all parties concerned will stay calm, exercise restraint, work in the same direction, refrain from moves or rhetoric that may be perceived as provocative and jointly advance the process of political settlement of the issues on the Korean Peninsula.
AFP: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese talked about a recent encounter between Australian and Chinese military aircraft in international airspace. The Australian side had said earlier that one of its surveillance aircraft was intercepted by a Chinese military aircraft. Do you have any response?赵立坚:我昨天已经就相关问题作出了回应,没有更多的补充。Zhao Lijian: I responded to a question on this yesterday and have nothing to add.
我可以告诉你的是,一个健康稳定的中澳关系符合两国人民根本利益和共同愿望。澳方应该理性正面看待中国和中澳关系,相互尊重,求同存异,为两国关系重回正轨创造必要条件。I have to say that a sound and steady China-Australia relationship is the shared aspiration and serves the fundamental interests of the people in both countries. The Australian side should view China and China-Australia relations in a rational and positive light, follow the principle of mutual respect, seek common ground while shelving differences, and create necessary conditions to bring bilateral relations back on track.
China News Service: According to a British media outlet, Paul Nakasone, head of the US Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, said in an interview the other day that the US has deployed specialists to Ukraine to conduct “hunt forward” operations and conducted “offensive hacking operations” against Russia. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:我们注意到了有关的报道,对美国采取这种危险的、不负责任的行为表示关切。美方需要向国际社会作解释,美国对俄罗斯发动网络攻击如何与美国宣称的不直接介入俄乌冲突的立场相一致。
Zhao Lijian: We have noticed relevant reports and are concerned over the dangerous and irresponsible US behavior. The US needs to explain to the international community how these “hacking operations” are consistent with its professed position of not engaging directly in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
The US and NATO have declared that cyber attacks can be viewed as armed assault. The US also said earlier that it could answer cyber attacks with conventional means or even nuclear strikes. If that logic is applied to all sides, the above-mentioned US operations could lead to an escalation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and even risk triggering a nuclear attack.
It’s quite obvious that the US is conducting a dangerous experiment in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The US believes that with an unrivalled cyber military force, it is able to keep any scenarios ensuing a cyber attack under its control. However, the reality might not necessarily follow the US’s design. If the situation gets out of hand, it will end up harming the common interests of the international community, the US included. Besides, the US has also talked repeatedly about “forward deployment” of cyber military forces in some small and medium-sized countries. These countries need to keep their eyes wide open and beware whether such deployment could embroil them in a conflict they are not looking for.
Cyberspace is shared by all humanity. We urge the US to change its dangerous and irresponsible behavior and join the international community in safeguarding peace and security in cyberspace.
总台央广记者:据报道,6日,美国贸易代表戴琪称,美国85%的太阳能电池板生产依赖中国,相关供应链贯穿整个新疆地区,而那里存在严重的“强迫劳动”问题。请问中方对此有何评论?CNR: It is reported that US Trade Representative Katherine Tai said on June 6 that the US is 85 percent reliant on China as a producer of solar panels and the supply chain runs right through Xinjiang where there’s a significant “forced labor” problem. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:中方已经多次强调,所谓中国新疆存在“强迫劳动”的说法是彻头彻尾的世纪谎言。美国故意制造散播关于新疆“强迫劳动”等谎言的目的就是为了把中国从全球供应链产业链中排斥出去。中国是全球光伏制造和装机应用第一大国,而新疆是全球最重要的光伏产业基础材料多晶硅的生产基地。美国编造所谓新疆“强迫劳动”的谎言,就是要靠政治操弄,实现打压新疆产业竞争优势,将光伏产业转移出中国的阴险目的。Zhao Lijian: As the Chinese side has stressed many times, the allegation of “forced labor” in Xinjiang is nothing but a lie of the century. “Forced labor” in Xinjiang is a lie deliberately made up and spread by the US to shut China out of the global supply and industrial chains. China is the world’s largest photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer and has more installed capacity than anyone else. Xinjiang is the world’s most important production base of polysilicon, an essential material of the PV industry. By fabricating the lie of “forced labor” in Xinjiang, the US aims to achieve its sinister goal of suppressing the competitive edge of Xinjiang’s PV industry and relocate it out of China through political manipulation. 要论“强迫劳动”,美国应该看看自己的历史和现实。美国有着奴隶贸易的原罪,如今更是贩卖人口和强迫劳动的重灾区。美国至今仍未批准《1930年强迫劳动公约》《联合国儿童权利公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》。美国每年从境外贩卖至国内从事强迫劳动的人口近10万人,目前在美国至少有50万人遭受奴役;美国大量童工从事农业劳作,很多儿童从8岁开始工作;美国有24万至32.5万妇女和儿童遭受性奴役,有超过10万人被拘禁在私营监狱,长期从事高强度、低报酬的强迫劳动。2021年4月,联合国人权理事会单边强制措施对人权负面影响问题特别报告员、任意拘留问题工作组发表联合声明指出,美国通过威胁制裁等手段胁迫他国人员从事强迫劳动,侵犯有关人员合法权益,严重违背人道主义精神和国际法。Speaking of forced labor, the US should have a look at its own history and reality. The US is known historically for its original sin of engaging in slave trade and still has serious problems of human trafficking and forced labor today. It still has not ratified the Forced Labour Convention (1930), the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Nearly 100,000 people are smuggled into the US for forced labor every year. At least half a million people are enslaved in the US. There is a large number of child farmworkers in the US and many of them started working as young as age 8. Roughly 240,000 to 325,000 women and children in the US are victims of sexual slavery. More than 100,000 people in the US were detained in private prisons at some point and they are forced to take up intense and low-paid labor for long periods of time. In April 2021, the UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights and the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued a joint statement pointing out that the US makes individuals of other countries carry out tasks against their will with threats to impose sanctions. This amounts to forced labor. It infringes upon the individuals’ rights and gravely violates the humanitarian spirit and international law. 美方所作所为只会打压正常的光伏产品贸易、打乱正常供应链,破坏全球应对气候变化的努力。这也将最终反噬美国自己、损害其自身利益。中方将一如既往地采取一切必要措施,坚决维护中国企业的合法权益。What the US did will hamstring normal trade of PV products, disrupt the supply chains and undermine the global response to climate change. In the end, this will also backfire and hurt the US’s own interests. China will take all necessary measures as always to resolutely safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies.8
PTI: Further to what you said about Sri Lanka and the President’s interview regarding the declining interests of China in South Asia. If I remember right, the Chinese ambassador to Colombo has earlier said that China was considering a line of credit to Colombo. It appears that has not materialized so far, though China went about with some relief and medical supplies. My question is, is China concerned about the kind of economic crisis being faced by several South Asian countries? Not Sri Lanka alone, that includes Pakistan as well, are seeking bailout packages, especially from the IMF. Is China, a major investor in these countries, hesitating to provide huge assistance?赵立坚:我刚才已就斯里兰卡局势、中斯之间金融合作、中国同南亚国家的合作充分表明了中方立场。我们非常关切地注意到,包括南亚国家在内的发展中国家正面临包括金融、财政和国际收支等方面的困难。这同新冠肺炎疫情带来的挑战有关,也同俄乌冲突以及随后的美国等西方国家对俄罗斯采取的单边制裁有很大关系。制裁还进一步加剧了发展中国家面临的粮食、能源等危机,给老百姓带来了更多的困难。
Zhao Lijian: I just elaborated China’s position on the situation in Sri Lanka, including financial cooperation between China and Sri Lanka and cooperation between China and South Asian countries. We have noted and followed closely the financial, fiscal and international balance of payment difficulties facing the South Asian countries and other developing countries as you mentioned. These difficulties partly stem from the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. They also have a lot to do with the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the unilateral sanctions slapped by the US and other Western countries on Russia in the wake of the conflict. Those sanctions aggravated the food and energy crises in developing countries and inflicted even more hardships on the people.
Just now I outlined some of China’s efforts to help Sri Lanka. We have taken note that the Indian government has also done a lot in this regard. We commend those efforts. China is ready to work with India and the rest of the international community to help Sri Lanka and other developing countries experiencing difficulty to pull through the hardship as early as possible. I assume you have also noticed the recent shipment and arrival of medicine, rice and other supplies donated by the Chinese side, including provinces and cities, to Sri Lanka. The Chinese government will do its utmost and make full use of the channels available to deliver help to the Sri Lankan society.
《环球时报》记者:我们注意到,关于中加军机相遇事件,近日加拿大总理、外长等多次发声,认为中方军机滋扰加军机执行联合国任务,中方挑衅行为不负责任且危及加人员安全。中方对此有何评论?Global Times: We have noted that the Canadian Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister, talking about Chinese and Canadian military aircraft encounters, have on several occasions accused the Chinese side of harassing Canadian military aircraft flying on a UN mission and said that China’s “irresponsible and provocative” actions are “putting people at risk. Do you have any comment?赵立坚:加拿大方面的有关言论完全是颠倒黑白,混淆是非。中方已多次就此表明严正立场。我想强调的是,联合国安理会从未授权任何国家以监控违反决议活动为由,在他国管辖海空域部署军力开展监视活动。加方声称加拿大军机执行联合国任务纯属借口。对任何以执行联合国决议为名危害中国国家安全和主权的行为,中方都坚决反对。一个基本事实是,是加拿大军机不远万里飞到中国附近空域,对中方抵近侦察并挑衅,而不是中国军机飞到加拿大附近空域。谁在威胁挑衅,谁在正当防卫,一目了然。中国军队采取的处置措施有理有力、安全专业,无可挑剔。
Zhao Lijian: The remarks by the Canadian side misrepresent facts and confound right and wrong. The Chinese side has made clear its solemn position on several occasions. I would like to stress that the UN Security Council has never mandated any country to deploy forces and conduct surveillance operations in the sea and airspace under the jurisdiction of another country in the name of identifying sanctions evasion activities. The Canadian side claimed that its military aircraft was on a UN mission. But that is just a pretext used by the Canadian side. China firmly rejects all moves that harm China’s sovereignty and national security in the name of implementing UN resolutions. One clear fact is: it was the Canadian military aircraft that flew all the way up close to China’s airspace, conducted reconnaissance here and made provocations to the Chinese side, not the other way round. Who is posing a threat and being provocative? And who is acting in legitimate self-defense? The answer is crystal clear. The way the Chinese military handled the situation was legitimate, resolute, safe, professional and beyond reproach.
我们再次敦促加方尊重客观事实,停止散布虚假信息,停止搞“麦克风外交”,多做有利于推动中加关系恢复正常发展的事。We once again urge the Canadian side to respect facts, stop spreading misinformation, stop engaging in “megaphone diplomacy”, and work to bring China-Canada relations back to normal. 外交部发言人办公室官方发布中国外交政策